Thursday, 25 November 2010

Similar Artists

Avril Lavigne
I think that Avril Lavigne is a similar music artist to Lucy Star because even though her image has changed over the years, she is still very much her own person, and has a unique style.
When she first became popular, her style was quiet punk and dark, now as she has gotten older, her style has changed and she has become more lady like in the way that she dresses; even though she is not as dark as she used to be, she is still an idiviual and this is always coming across in her music videos. Her music style has also changed and she has gone from being quiet dark and punky to more of a pop style of music. This maches Lucy Star because she in an individual, and wants this to come across in her video's, the same way that Avril Lavigne does.

Lady Gaga
On our breif that Lawrence and I had been given, it stated that Lady Gaga was one of her influences, I also think that she is a similar artist to Lucy Star, this is not due to the music that she produces but to her personality and the style of clothes, hair and make-up that she wears. Everything she wears she designs her self, as well as some of the music videos that she as. Lady Gaga is as much as an individual as Lucy Star and neither of them care what other people think of them.

Florence and The Machine

Early Madonna

Cindy Lauper

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