Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Digi Pac 2

This is the second digi pac that I have done, it is nearly complete. All that is left to do is add the image of lucy star on the front and attach the booklet.

Poster One

This is the first poster that I have created with Lucy Star, it is not finished yet as I am finding it hard to edit around the picture to take away the back ground. Also I think this is very plane but it gets the point across. I am going to experiment with different colours and different fonts to make the poster stand out more, as well as the background.

Friday, 21 January 2011


Friday 21st January 2011
All last week, due to having A Level exams, it was hard to fit in editing, but Lawrence and I stayed late after school as much as we could to make sure that we could get enough editing done as possible, as well as this we also started thinking about finishing our poster designs.
I started thinking about the types of fonts and background colours that I could use and I thought it would be best to do black for a background, as trying to edit out the background on the photos of Lucy Star has been hard as she was wearing a black dress and the pictures had been taken on a black back ground. Next time this is done, it would be better if the pictures are taken on a plain background of one colour that does not appear in the photos to make this easier.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Thursday 10th January
Last night I think that filming went really well - Lawrence and I stayed behind school until 6 o'clock to make sure that we got every shot that we needed and that everything was perfect. Im really pleased with the way that everything has come out, and that we also managed to take a lot of pictures that we will be using on a digi pacs as well as with in the music video its self. Its a shame that Annie couldn't be there to help because we could have used her input and its hard for me to be in the music video and we had to keep stopping for lawrence and I to look at the camera angles and discussing what we should do next. I already know that if I was to shoot a music video again I wouldn't be in it because its so hard to do two jobs at once, if annie was there it would have been easier and she could have given her opinion on how shots looks as well, instead of just Lawrence's because I had to keep going back at looking the footage after each shot, or Lawrence had to turn the camera screen around so that I could see what I was doing.

This time we defiantly made sure that we didn't rush our shooting this time, the only problem was that the camera died before we really would have liked to finished, and we are missing one key shot, but I have thought of a way of how we can come around this, with the music video still making sense with the story line that we have given it.

Now all we need to do is edit everything, and make sure that it all flows and that the lips are in-sync before we add the finishing touches.

Recce Shots

These are the recce of where we filmed the second half of our music video. We used one of the drama room as there walls are painted black and this is needed for the contrast of the white and black to show the difference between who people want Lucy to be and who she really is. 

Filming/Hair & Make up


Mine and Lawrence's new idea was to use sheets of paper with the lyrics on and then drop these as the lyrics change during the music video. We have taken pictures of these to put on our blog :)

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Journal/New Idea

As we are know getting pushed for time due to our deadline being on friday and Lawrence and I have only justed filmed again tonight, we thought it would be a good idea to add some more concepts into our music video to make sure that even though we have alot of different shots to make sure that we have enough footage for editing I came up with the idea of writing down some of the song lyrics onto sheets of paper and then dropping them each time the lyrics change in the video. As well as this we thought that when the lyrics cut out during the middle of the song, it would be good to put in still shots that we had taken for the digi pacs that we are making as well as some shots of me messing around and dancing.
We previously had the idea of writing on a mirror "Be who you want to be, not what society said you should be" as this is Lucy Stars "slogen", but due to the mirror being quiet small we thought that it would be a better idea to write this on one the pieces of paper that we had left from where we had been writing the lyrics and panning down the camera to floor at the end of the music when the song is fadding out and seeing the slogen in the middle of all the paper with the lyrics on, as well as a sheet that says " I am Lucy Star" on it.
We also took a few pictures of "Lucy" ripping up one the pieces that says "I am a material girl" writen on it to show that she is not a materialistic person.
We are both really pleased with these new ideas and how the filming went as well as changing the costume and hair slightly this changes the whole look of the video and shows more of who Lucy Star is. But whilst writing this I remembered that we have missed out one very important piece of filming which, if we havent got it at all, will need to be filmed tomorrow! :@


19th January 2011
Today and yesterday Lawrence and I have been editing the first half our of music video, we have done a rough cut in iMovie and now we are starting to do a first draft in Final Cut Pro. Along with editing we have also decided what type of effects we will be using when we are adding the final touches to our video.
We are going to film again for the second half of our music video as we are both not happy with alot of the aspects in the video for example hair and make up and the lighting that has been used. I feel that when this was filmed no one was in the right frame of mind and everything was a bit rushed and not done to the best of our ability.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Tuesday 11th January 2011
Today Lawrence and I are continuing with editing our music video, we also discussed the possibilities of editing our own final cut for the cut separately, but this is still just a thought. We are hoping to finish editing the first half of our video by the end of this week, both a rough and first final cut, and then once we have the rest of the shots needed we will do our first rough cut, and then we will play around with the effects that we could use.
We are also going to finish filming friday during and after school to make sure that we have every shot needed.